Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today I really was humbled during our lesson in Relief Society. It was on Knowledge, I have always loved learning but for some reason have taken a long sabbatical, from school as well as serious scripture study. I felt really incompetent and felt a shock to the self esteem. And to top it off Jake and I were asked to speak in church next Sunday, even worse the topic being temple worthiness. We have not been to the temple in years, For the first time I felt like I need to ask for another topic, or say we were not competent enough to speak in church. However I'm going to learn from this day. I went home and started to read the recent conference reports in the Ensign, what a relief. I read the most appropriate talk given by Elder Neil L. Andersen page 13 titled "You Know Enough". There is always room for more learning but we all know the most important truth and that is that we are all children of God. I will be relying a lot on outside resources for my talk, and have a stronger idea of what my new years resolutions will be. Comment if you have any really good temple stories or books that I can refer to.
This week I have really been thinking of my children and their interests. Carter's favorite song is "Apple bottom jeans" if you don't know this song I have it on my play list. He does a great dance with it and he has great moves. Ethan is loving the Backyardigans, especially Pablo. We watch the same episode over and over, speaking of dance moves I'm learning quiet a few off of this cartoon. I will demonstrate later. Isn't it fun being a kid! Also I can not seem to keep apples in my house, my kids eat them up so fast. Its probably the only healthy thing they actually ask for.


Heather said...

You know way more than you give yourself credit for. I would love to come and hear you this Sunday.

MARCIE said...

How did it all go? I HATE speaking at church!!!