Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's been a while

Carter started Kindergarten this year, he was so excited. He even had to wear the new jacket in the 90 degree weather. He would really like to go all day, but has a great time the time that he is there.
Happy 3rd Birthday to Ethan. He has grown up so fast this last year. Or just developed an Attitude. He is our All Star, can never stay clean, and has a way of making us smile. We love you Ethan!

Happy Birthday to me! I turned 30 and still have not celebrated my birthday. I will soon be planning a girls night out for anyone who wants to celebrate being old with me.

One of the hikes that some of our family did together was the hike passed Silver lake; this is a 3 mile hike and the top got a little rocky. I was amazed to see Ethan and Talan dragging up the hill with Jake pushing them along. THEY MADE IT! They are only 2 and 3 years old. Good Job boys.

So my excuse for not blogging much is because of my summer online classes. I was always on the computer so I refused to be on longer to blog. Sorry friends, but Hello to those who have visited.
This tin girl was made by me, she is for sale, any bids? This was my summer art final.

Matt, Carter, and Dani also finished the hike. We had a blast at the Twin Lakes. This really is a beautiful lake, it was hard to resist jumping in.

So news from the summer; Computer still not letting me change the Valentine background, Help! Birthdays are still coming, Back to school, Dan my brother and his familiy moved to Maryland, Carter started kindergarten, made someone a lucky winner of a $20 dollar bill in the Smiths parking lot, thought we got a good deal on books until we got to class and were informed of the new eddition, and so on......

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Computer Drama

Crazy week
1. Computer gets major virus; Dan my genious brother is fixing it

2.One day we are out enjoying the sun and the next we are inside sipping hot cocoa.

3. I have no motivation to go to the store and buy the neccessay item T.P. I will just borrow from the neighbor

4. Ethan is putting 3 to 4 word sentences together. Today was mom, stuck, kite, tree. interpretation Mom got the kite stuck in the tree. yes I did!

5. Allergies are so annoying

Crazy but fun I think!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tag Tag Tag!

The Honest Scrap Award
Here I go to fulfill my tag duty, thanks to Heather!

The Honest Scrap Award is an award given to those who will reveal 10 things that are honest traits you possess.
Pass on the tag to 7 other bloggers, in my case, all of the very special people that read my blog, there are not quiet 7.

1. I can be racist at times, and that is as much detail on that one!
2. I love going to the gym, when I get the chance.
3. I'm mean to Jake, so he says! OK, I am
4. I don't plan ahead for anything, I should, but I'm always stuck with
free time that could be used for something productive.
5. I'm a clean freak, I wish my house could look like Martha's everyday
6. I'm a cheap skate, I find spending lavishly gives me heartburn
7. I don't really know what I want to be when I grow up
8. I love to go to school, I'll probably go forever
9. I love doing hair, but not my own
10. I don't mind having cartoons on all day, "House" is the only thing I watch on TV

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what more can you do than watch tv

I can not figure out how to entertain my kids during the day. I feel like it takes half the day to get up, eat breakfast, shower, ..... Before you know it its time for lunch. So besides watching tv, what more is there to do? My boys find toys to entertain themselves, but what do the real mothers do for their children during the day? You know the ones that have their children playing a musical instrument by 5 years of age, and can read the Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner by age 12. Besides cook and clean what do moms do all day? I can't even come up with ideas for dinner, family night, or cheap activities. My brain is officially fried. Help!!!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A little bit crazy

Has this ever happened to you? I did not realize this until 7:00 at night. Nobody said anything, so maybe I'll have to do it again.

This is an effect of 1:00 church; 4:00 pm naps.
Our family has appeared to become really confused.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back to School

Really after 9 years of being out of school I decide to go back. Oh yeah everything is coming back to me; late nights doing homework, math problems that mean nothing to me, primping and dressing up like you are the queen of the day. The later did not happen today, or will ever. I went to school after cooking chicken noodle soup, do you know what you smell like after cooking? not good !!!!what is the function of a linear equation? does this really make any sense? However I am so glad to be back being married, the stress of who is cute and does he think I'm cute is now behind me. I am excited to be in a learning environment, and it is a little bit of a break from daily chores. Its wierd to wake up, go to school, and suddenly doing 100 math problems are a priority. Yes even a priority over making sure that my dishes are done before I go to bed. Oh how things are changing. I may need some prozac to get me through. I can tell that I am the old one in class because the majority of the students are really concerned about their cell phones, it seems to be a necessity when waiting to get into class. like if they did not have a cell phone to text on they would not know what to do in the black abyss of the time you arrive until the time that the teacher arrives and opens the door of the class room. I am so glad to be turning 30 this year, I have run out of patients for immaturity.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh Yeah!

Ethan does the funniest, what we call crazy eyes! the camera is not fast enough to show.
Carter lost his first tooth yesterday. thanks to Braeden passing him the football. Out came the tooth, great way to remove a tooth!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Is anyone else sad to see the holiday season come to a jolting hault?

having the spirit of the holidays every day with so much hustle and bustle, lots enjoyment, and then all of a sudden it's like you jump into a new time zone watching reruns of ER. Just a little Depressing.

So thinking of my goals this year, I really want to laugh more. I can be a real uptight, OCD, ronchy person sometimes, so this year I want to LAUGH!

So the only way I know how to do this is watch a good comedy. Anyone have any suggestions let me know.