Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what more can you do than watch tv

I can not figure out how to entertain my kids during the day. I feel like it takes half the day to get up, eat breakfast, shower, ..... Before you know it its time for lunch. So besides watching tv, what more is there to do? My boys find toys to entertain themselves, but what do the real mothers do for their children during the day? You know the ones that have their children playing a musical instrument by 5 years of age, and can read the Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner by age 12. Besides cook and clean what do moms do all day? I can't even come up with ideas for dinner, family night, or cheap activities. My brain is officially fried. Help!!!!!!


Allison said...

Hey how's life been lately? We really do need to get together, we miss hanging out with you guys. If you check out Natalee Wexels blog she has a link to a food blog that she does, the food is good and pretty simple. I have made a few recipes this week and it's been nice to change it up a bit. (it's called life beyond mac and cheese)We'll have to call and set something up. Good luck with trying to find something other than t.v. that's a lot of what we do around here.

Allison said...

I should tell you there is a link on my blog to Natalee's blog

Anonymous said...

Do you have an email address? Sorry I keep posting on your blog comment, I keep forgetting to ask you!
Tell Jake NO, he can't work on our dinner night! JK Just let me know what works, Karen really wanted to come also. I will wait to hear from you or Ammber. Have a great night! Kim
PS. I buy those cheap paint sets and let the girls do that, they love it and it is easy clean up. I have a few more ideas, but have to run and help Maddie finish homework, will get back to you on that!! Love, Kim

Hastings Family said...

I am with you on this one. Although, between preschool and Kindergarten the days tend to run together. The Spring will be here soon so let them play outside. Hang in there! Also the internest has great ideas on parents.com. Check it out!