Thursday, January 29, 2009

A little bit crazy

Has this ever happened to you? I did not realize this until 7:00 at night. Nobody said anything, so maybe I'll have to do it again.

This is an effect of 1:00 church; 4:00 pm naps.
Our family has appeared to become really confused.


Heather said...

WOW you told me two black shoes but come on they don't even fit the same you might as well have worn a stiletto and a tennis shoe!

Hastings Family said...

That is hilarious, I have had kind of the same things happen. Don't worry one time my mom went to work wearing two bras!!!!LOL

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes!! That is amazing! Hey, has Ammber called you about getting together on sunday the 22nd for dinner? I hope that works, let me know! my phone 571-5079 or email: Kim