Happy 3rd Birthday to Ethan. He has grown up so fast this last year. Or just developed an Attitude. He is our All Star, can never stay clean, and has a way of making us smile. We love you Ethan!
Happy Birthday to me! I turned 30 and still have not celebrated my birthday. I will soon be planning a girls night out for anyone who wants to celebrate being old with me.
One of the hikes that some of our family did together was the hike passed Silver lake; this is a 3 mile hike and the top got a little rocky. I was amazed to see Ethan and Talan dragging up the hill with Jake pushing them along. THEY MADE IT! They are only 2 and 3 years old. Good Job boys.
So my excuse for not blogging much is because of my summer online classes. I was always on the computer so I refused to be on longer to blog. Sorry friends, but Hello to those who have visited.
This tin girl was made by me, she is for sale, any bids? This was my summer art final.
Matt, Carter, and Dani also finished the hike. We had a blast at the Twin Lakes. This really is a beautiful lake, it was hard to resist jumping in.
So news from the summer; Computer still not letting me change the Valentine background, Help! Birthdays are still coming, Back to school, Dan my brother and his familiy moved to Maryland, Carter started kindergarten, made someone a lucky winner of a $20 dollar bill in the Smiths parking lot, thought we got a good deal on books until we got to class and were informed of the new eddition, and so on......
I would love a girls night!! I can't believe we all hit 30 so quickly, it doesn't seem possible!! Your boys have grown so much. I love the girl you made. What are you getting a degree in? I am thinking, looking anyway about geting my teaching certificate. I signed up to sub at the elementary the girls attend!
Cute Blog! Your kids are getting so big! They're adorable! I'm glad I found you so I can keep up with what's going on in your life since we don't see each other very often!
Love, Emily
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