Sunday, October 26, 2008

What is for dinner?

Is that not the worst question to answer, ok one of the worst.
I'm working on my MENU for this week!
Then decided to blog!

Update on the Eyres book: The nature of consistency; An analogy of the Tortoise and the Hare, the race being the life of our family. Do we try to rush through to get to the final destination with confusion and shortcuts like the Tortoise or do we consistantly enjoy the journey, one day at a time, making time for stops but not falling asleep. The Eyres mentioned how important it is to have family traditions, and be CONSISTANT. so hard to do sometimes, but its what holds the family together.
This chapter is better read than explaned it was really good, I need to come up with some traditions that are just shared by our little family of four.

Week to DO'S

return library books
wash halloween costumes
carve pumpkins
make sugar cookies
do something fun with the kids
Plan, "Whats for dinner?"!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I love the tortoise and the hare analogy. So often I find myself putting so much into the day, I have to tell myself to settle down and enjoy one activity at a time! I think my worst regret as of yet is rushing through the baby life of Braeden & Lexee. I didn't enjoy the little smiles and fun times. Great advice, what is the name of the book again?