Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Fun Day

What face would you pull being burried in the leaves?

We spent some time at the park today, what a nice day the weather was perfect!
I'm not ready for the snow after being spoiled with this fall.

The cut and paste was not working so to fulfil my tag obligation I will just write a little garden poem of my own.
In my little garden I have lots of room to grow
for all that is in there now is dirt and room to sew
I will put in my foundation my mom and Dad come first
when I married Jake it quenched my gardens thirst.
underneith the soil the roots will take their route
A family was started and that's what this gardens about.
I will put in a tall tree to shade me from despair
This represents the savior who I know is always there
The ground cover is important it keeps the termoil out
my extended family I rely on help make the turnabout.
My seasonal flowers add beauty and come back every year
I have a handful of friends that I hold very dear
There is a rock that never fails and also adds some style
These are those I can count on when I've gone down the wrong mile
My garden is full of beauty but also needs some fruit
Those whom these represent are better than any loot.
Some things grow in my garden that I don't always choose
but all the other blossoms, will help me to never lose.
When its time to till the ground and my garden is overturned
I know that what I've sewn will continue and not be burned.

(this is my rough and final draft, not a poet, just havin a cheesy moment)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just put an invite only to our family blog, will you send me your email address? my email is

Corn tortillas! How funny. I have done stuff like that often. Have a great day!